API Versioning in .NET

Uncover the importance of API versioning in the .NET ecosystem, a critical practice for maintaining and advancing digital applications, ensuring seamless integration and compatibility as technologies evolve and user needs change.

10 months ago   •   9 min read

By Stefan Đokić
Table of contents


  • Introduction - Why Version APIs?
  • Common Versioning Strategies in .NET
  • Best Practices
  • Tools and Libraries
  • Versioning Considerations
  • Conclusion


In the ever-evolving world of software development, the significance of API versioning, especially within the .NET ecosystem, cannot be overstated. As we step into a realm where digital solutions are continuously upgraded and expanded, the ability to manage these changes effectively becomes a pivotal aspect of maintaining and developing robust applications. 

This article delves into the essence of .NET API versioning, elucidating why it is not just a best practice but a necessity in the modern software lifecycle.

The Need for .NET API Versioning

At its core, .NET API versioning is about managing changes to the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in a way that balances the need for evolution and innovation with the imperative of maintaining compatibility and stability for existing clients. APIs serve as the backbone of communication between different software components, and as these interfaces evolve, they can introduce changes that potentially disrupt the applications or systems that depend on them. The challenge, therefore, lies in implementing these changes without causing undue strain on the client applications.

Read more about versioning: https://blog.treblle.com/api-versioning-all-you-need-to-know/

From my perspective I can see 3 reasons why we need it:

  1. Ensuring Backward Compatibility

A primary reason to version APIs in .NET is to ensure backward compatibility. 
As APIs evolve, adding new features or modifying existing ones, there is a risk of breaking changes that could adversely affect existing clients relying on older versions of the API.

Versioning allows developers to make improvements or changes in the API without impacting these existing clients, ensuring that applications continue to function smoothly even as the API evolves.

  1. Clear and Effective Communication

Once upon a time… 
In a .NET project, our team faced challenges due to unclear communication about API versioning, leading to client confusion and support issues. Recognizing this, I led an initiative to revamp our communication strategy. We created detailed, accessible documentation for each API version and proactively communicated changes to our clients. This approach dramatically reduced confusion, improved client relations, and underscored the importance of clear communication in API versioning.

So, versioning serves as a clear communication tool between the API developers and the clients. By specifying the version, clients are informed about the stability, changes, and lifecycle of the API they are consuming. This clarity is crucial in setting the right expectations and in planning for necessary updates or changes in the client applications.

  1. Facilitating Parallel Development

API versioning enables parallel development efforts. Different teams or developers can work on various versions of the API simultaneously, catering to different sets of requirements and clients. This approach not only accelerates development cycles but also allows for more flexibility in testing and deploying new features or changes.

Common Versioning Strategies

Let’s talk about the technical things…

There are several common strategies that developers can employ. Each strategy has its own merits and considerations, and the choice often depends on the specific requirements and constraints of your application. Here's a deeper look into these common versioning strategies:

  1. URI Versioning

In URI versioning, the version of the API is included directly in the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). For example: http://api.example.com/v1/products

This you can implement using route templates in your controller actions.

public class ProductsController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult Get(ApiVersion version)
        return Ok($"API Version: {version}");

// In Startup.cs or Program.cs, configure API versioning.

services.AddApiVersioning(options => {
    options.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1, 0);
    options.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
    options.ReportApiVersions = true;

Visibility: The version is explicitly visible in the URI, making it clear which version is being accessed.

Ease of Use: Simple to implement and understand.

URL Pollution: Each new version requires a new URL, which can lead to URL proliferation.

Harder to Maintain: Older versions might require separate code paths or duplicated logic.

  1. Query String Versioning

This strategy involves specifying the version in the query string of the URL, like:


You can implement query string versioning by configuring it in the Program.cs class.

public class ProductsController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult Get([FromQuery] ApiVersion version)
        return Ok($"API Version: {version}");

// In Startup.cs or Program.cs

services.AddApiVersioning(options => {
    options.ApiVersionReader = new QueryStringApiVersionReader("version");

Flexibility: Easy to switch between versions without changing the base URI.

Backward Compatibility: New versions can be introduced without breaking existing clients.

Less Discoverable: The version is not as immediately visible as in URI versioning.

Cache-Control: This can lead to issues with caching, as URLs with different query parameters are considered different resources.

  1. Header Versioning

In header versioning, the version information is sent as a part of the HTTP header. For instance, using a custom header like:

X-API-Version: 1.

For header versioning, you read the version from a custom header:

public class ProductsController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult Get()
        var version = Request.Headers["X-API-Version"].FirstOrDefault() ?? "1.0";
        return Ok($"API Version: {version}");

// In Startup.cs or Program.cs

services.AddApiVersioning(options => {
    options.ApiVersionReader = new HeaderApiVersionReader("X-API-Version");

Clean URLs: Keeps URLs clean and consistent, irrespective of the version.

Highly Flexible: Allows for more complex versioning schemes and parameters.

Less Intuitive: Not as straightforward for clients, as they need to modify headers.

Documentation and Testing: Requires more effort in documenting and testing different versions.

  1. Media Type Versioning

Also known as content negotiation or accept header versioning. The version is specified in the Accept header of the HTTP request like Accept application/vnd.example.v1+json.

This is possible by setting MediaTypeApiVersionReader() as ApiVersionReader in API Versioning Registration:[ApiController]

public class ProductsController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult Get([FromHeader(Name = "Accept")] string mediaType)
        var version = mediaType.Contains("vnd.example.v") ? mediaType.Split("vnd.example.v")[1] : "1.0";
        return Ok($"API Version: {version}");

// In Startup.cs or Program.cs

services.AddApiVersioning(options => {
    options.ApiVersionReader = new MediaTypeApiVersionReader();

Standards-Based: Leverages standard HTTP headers and MIME types.

Version Negotiation: Allows for more nuanced version negotiation based on content type.

Complexity: More complex to implement and understand, especially for clients.

Header Management: Requires careful management of HTTP headers.

While each versioning strategy in .NET API development has its unique advantages and applicability, my inclination is towards URI versioning for its practicality. I find that its explicit visibility in the URI enhances clarity and ease of understanding, which is particularly beneficial for API consumers. 

This approach simplifies the process of both implementing and using different API versions, making it a straightforward choice for many scenarios. 

Ultimately, the decision on which versioning strategy to adopt should be informed by a comprehensive evaluation of the API's nature, client needs, and the overall architectural framework, with an emphasis on future-proofing the application against ongoing changes and advancements.

Best Practices

When implementing .NET API versioning, adhering to best practices is essential for creating a robust, maintainable, and user-friendly API. These best practices not only facilitate smoother transitions as your API evolves but also ensure a better experience for both the developers maintaining the APIs and the clients using them. Here's a deep dive into some of the best practices for .NET API versioning:

  1. Minimize Breaking Changes
  • Focus on Stability: Whenever you version your API, strive to minimize changes that could break the existing functionality for consumers. Breaking changes should be a last resort, used only when necessary.
  • Gradual Transition: Introduce changes gradually. If a breaking change is unavoidable, provide ample notice to your users and consider supporting both the old and new versions concurrently for a transition period.
  • Use Deprecation Warnings: Mark any features or endpoints that are planned for deprecation. Provide warnings in your API responses or documentation to inform clients of impending changes. Here is how I’m doing that:

// Example of a deprecated endpoint

[Obsolete("This endpoint is deprecated. Please use /v2/list instead.")]
public IActionResult GetProductsV1()
    Response.Headers.Add("Deprecation", "version=\"1\"; comments=\"This endpoint is deprecated. Please use /v2/list instead.\"");
    // Your existing logic here
    return Ok(new { Message = "This is the deprecated v1 products list." });

  1. Maintain Clear and Comprehensive Documentation
  • Up-to-date Information: Ensure that your API documentation is always up to date with the latest versions. Include details about what has changed in each version.
  • Version-specific Guides: Provide version-specific documentation. This makes it easier for users to find information relevant to their specific version of the API.
  • Examples and Use Cases: Include practical examples and use cases in your documentation. This helps clients understand how to implement and transition between different API versions.

We created a blog post on this topic: https://blog.treblle.com/documentatuin-in-api-versioning/

  1. Implement a Thoughtful Deprecation Policy
  • Clear Policy Communication: Have a clear and publicly available policy on how and when older versions of the API will be deprecated. This gives clients a roadmap of your API's lifecycle.

My advice here is to utilize tools like Swagger or OpenAPI to document your API, including details about deprecation. These tools allow you to annotate your API methods and models with deprecation notices and alternative recommendations, making it clear and visible to anyone using the API documentation.

  • Reasonable Time Frames: Offer reasonable time frames for deprecation, giving clients enough time to adapt or migrate to newer versions.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Allow clients to provide feedback on deprecation plans. This can sometimes lead to valuable insights that might affect your versioning strategy.

Tools and Libraries

  1.  Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning

Purpose: This is a NuGet package specifically designed for implementing API versioning in ASP.NET Core applications.


  • Multiple Versioning Schemes: Supports various versioning methods like query string, URL path, and HTTP header.
  • Version Negotiation: Automatically handles version negotiation and selection based on the client's request.
  • Versioned API Explorer: Integrates with ASP.NET Core's API explorer to provide version-aware API metadata.

Usage: Add the package to your project and configure it in the Startup.cs or Program.cs file, specifying the desired versioning scheme and default version.

Check details here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning/

  1. Swagger/OpenAPI

Purpose: Swagger (OpenAPI) is a widely used tool for documenting APIs. It provides a user-friendly interface to interact with the API and understand its capabilities.


  • Interactive Documentation: Allows users to test API endpoints directly from the documentation.
  • Version Documentation: Capable of documenting multiple API versions, making it easier for developers to understand changes and deprecations.
  • Schema Visualization: Visualizes request and response schemas, along with detailed descriptions.
  • Usage: Integrate Swagger with your .NET application using the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore package. Configure it to display different versions of your API.

Check details here: https://swagger.io/

Versioning Considerations

Versioning requires careful consideration to ensure that the API remains functional, usable, and consistent over time. Here's a detailed look into some key versioning considerations with real-world examples:

  1. Complexity Management
  • Challenge: Each versioning strategy adds a level of complexity to the API. This includes handling different versions simultaneously, maintaining backward compatibility, and ensuring that the API's behavior remains consistent across versions.
  • Real-World Example: Imagine a financial services API that has evolved over several years. Initially, it offered basic account information, but later versions included investment portfolio data. Managing these versions means ensuring that clients using the basic version are not affected by the changes made to investment portfolio functionalities.
  1. Testing Across Versions
  • Challenge: Thorough testing is required to ensure each API version functions as intended. This includes not only testing the latest version but also ensuring that older versions remain functional after any updates.
  • Real-World Example: A healthcare data API introduces a new version with enhanced security features. The provider must conduct extensive testing to verify that these new features do not inadvertently disrupt existing functionalities in older versions, considering the critical nature of healthcare data.
  1. Deprecation Strategy
  • Challenge: Deciding when and how to deprecate older API versions is a crucial consideration. It involves balancing the need to innovate and move forward with the necessity of not alienating users of older versions.
  • Real-World Example: A popular social media platform deprecates an older version of its API, which several third-party apps still use. They need to provide these developers with a clear timeline and support for migration to minimize disruptions.


In summary, API versioning in the .NET ecosystem is a nuanced and indispensable aspect of modern software development. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring that APIs are sustainable, innovative, and reliable over time. By implementing a well-thought-out versioning strategy, developers can create APIs that not only meet current needs but are also prepared to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

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